Christmas Present

We're back to sharing favourite stories. How could anyone not love a story that contains the line "I was a cactus."(?) And don't tell me it's not December, months last for years now! Ed.

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month

December 2020: Christmas Present by Lynsey Rose

Lynsey Rose

I wrote this a few years ago, when we were asked to write a story with the theme of Christmas for my writing group. Of course, Christmas is a crappy theme so you have to go the full ‘Carrie’ with it. Happy Christmas!

Lynsey Rose is the author of the novel First Aid Kit Girl, described as “girl meets razorblade meets boy…”

Author: Stephen Moran

I was born in Dublin and made my way to London on a bike in my mid-twenties. It’s where I can still be found though ever further out, most recently as far as Harrow. I no longer own a bicycle.